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Don't forget the original heart, remember the mission and love China

Don't forget the original heart, remember the mission and love China

On October 30, the Party branch and the League branch of Pearl cable organized more than 30 members of the company, the league members and members of the reading club to carry out the theme education activity of "never forget your original mind and remember your mission". This learning and education activity aims to inspire the young generation to keep their original mind, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, gather national strength, inherit and carry forward the revolutionary spirit and love f

Same frequency, resonance, same heart and same industry -- China Super holding administrative line work exchange meeting held in Pearl cable

Same frequency, resonance, same heart and same industry -- China Super ho...

On the afternoon of August 30, the second administrative line work exchange meeting of China Super holdings was held in Mingzhu cable, attended by Zhang Naiming, general manager and chairman of Mingzhu cable, Li Zhen, assistant to general manager and chairman of Mingzhu cable, and Liu Meijuan, administrative director, Party branch secretary and labor union chairman of Mingzhu cable. The meeting was attended by the heads of administrative business management, human resources, board of directors o

Adhere to the leadership of the party and exercise democratic rights

Adhere to the leadership of the party and exercise democratic rights

   On the morning of August 29, the Party branch of Pearl cable held a general meeting of all Party members to complete the election of the branch committee. This election meeting was elected as the "actual classroom of the election work of the branch committee" by the Party committee of Guanlin town. More than 50 leaders of the Party branch of the village and enterprise attended the meeting. Director Zhu of the party construction guidance Station of Guanlin town attended the meeting and deli

Grasp safety first aid knowledge, care for employees' life and health

Grasp safety first aid knowledge, care for employees' life and health

——The company organizes and carries out safety knowledge training, emergency escape drill and other activities to vigorously carry forward the idea of "risk prevention, hidden danger elimination and accident suppression", enhance the safety awareness of all employees and the emergency ability of escape and self rescue, and effectively prevent and contain the occurrence of accidents. On the afternoon of August 26, the company organized the 2019 "Ankang Cup" and "hundred day safety activity sa

Cutting wonderful love by skillful hands to ignite dream

Cutting wonderful love by skillful hands to ignite dream

   On the afternoon of August 19, Mingzhu cable organized the scholarship and bursary granting ceremony for the excellent children of Mingzhu in 2018-2019 academic year. Zhang Naiming, chairman of the company, Liu Hongbin, general manager and Liu Meijuan, chairman of the labor union attended the activity. Visit the company's intelligent exhibition hall. Before the visit to the company's national staff library, Lu Yali, director of the company's administration and business management departmen
