Cutting wonderful love by skillful hands to ignite dream


On the afternoon of August 19, Mingzhu cable organized the scholarship and bursary granting ceremony for the excellent children of Mingzhu in 2018-2019 academic year. Zhang Naiming, chairman of the company, Liu Hongbin, general manager and Liu Meijuan, chairman of the labor union attended the activity.

    Visit the company's intelligent exhibition hall                       Visit the company's national staff Library

Before the activity, Lu Yali, the director of the company's administration and business management department, led the students and parents to visit the company's intelligent exhibition hall and staff library. Let employees' children understand the company's development process, enterprise scale, production products and achievements in cultural construction.


Speech by excellent student representative

This activity has distributed books to every student, organized and held traditional culture education activities, especially invited teacher Zhuang Rulin, the intangible cultural inheritor of Yixing City and the excellent paper-cut artist of Guanlin Town, to attend, bringing a new class of "interesting paper-cut" for children.

General manager Liu Hongbin welcomed everyone and congratulated the winners. The total bonus for this scholarship and student assistance activities is nearly 30000 yuan, benefiting 25 students. Three student representatives took the stage to speak and thanked the company for its care, help and encouragement. They have expressed that in their future life and study, they will be grateful and study harder, strive for early success and return to the company and society.

Zhang Naiming, chairman of the board of directors, raised three hopes for the students attending the activity:

1. I hope you can set up a lofty ideal, read more books, and aspire to become a pillar of the country.

2. I hope you will study hard and practice hard to become a good student with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique.

3. I hope you can have a grateful heart, cherish your youth, thank your parents for their support, thank the company and the society for their love. Stick to good deeds, good words and good intentions.

In the paper-cut activity, Liu Meijuan, chairman of the labor union, introduced Mr. Zhuang Rulin and his achievements in art creation to the students, and briefly explained the connotation and significance of paper-cut.

The students appreciated teacher Zhuang Rulin's paper-cut works from a close distance, and were amazed. Under the guidance of Mr. Zhuang, the students have completed the paper-cut courses such as cutting five pointed stars, double happiness and window flowers by themselves, which not only exercises the children's practical ability, enhances the students' aesthetic interest and ability to the paper-cut art, but also cultivates the students' feelings of loving the local traditional culture, improves the students' cultural and artistic cultivation and makes them feel it The charm of traditional culture and art, students also showed great enthusiasm for paper-cut art. In the future, the company will continue to carry out activities to spread traditional culture, carry out spiritual civilization construction, improve cultural literacy, actively assume social responsibility, and strive to help more aspiring students realize their dreams.
