Adhere to the leadership of the party and exercise democratic rights


On the morning of August 29, the Party branch of Pearl cable held a general meeting of all Party members to complete the election of the branch committee. This election meeting was elected as the "actual classroom of the election work of the branch committee" by the Party committee of Guanlin town. More than 50 leaders of the Party branch of the village and enterprise attended the meeting. Director Zhu of the party construction guidance Station of Guanlin town attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Director Zhu fully affirmed the achievements of the party construction of Mingzhu branch. The party construction of Mingzhu branch is standardized, standardized and featured. It is innovative and worth learning from other party branches of enterprises.

The meeting opened with the solemn national anthem as required. Director Chen of Guanlin social security office presided over the meeting. Liu Meijuan, Secretary of the branch, made a work report to the General Assembly on behalf of the previous branch committee. The General Assembly deliberated and adopted the work report, the election method (Draft), etc.

In accordance with the election methods and relevant regulations, the conference is well organized and standardized, and all members of the party vote by secret ballot to elect a new member of the branch. It is composed of Wang Rongbin, Lu Yali, Liu Meijuan, Yang Jian and Chen Yun. The branch committee held its first meeting and elected Liu Meijuan as the Secretary of the Party branch of Mingzhu company (to be approved by the superior party committee).

Secretary Liu Meijuan said on behalf of the new branch committee: Based on a new starting point, we should conscientiously implement the nineteen spirit of the party and strengthen the study and improve the level of political theory guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Focus on the company's business objectives, innovate the ideas of Party construction, and give play to the leading role of the party organization.

[organizing member Lu Yali to lead party members to visit Pearl smart exhibition hall and Party branch activity room]
