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Happy Dragon Boat Festival


——Mingzhu Party branch and labor union organized a series of activities of Dragon Boat Festival knowledge contest and zongzi making contest

On the afternoon of May 31, on the occasion of Dragon Boat Festival, Mingzhu Party branch and labor union, together with Yixing Youth Protection Association, organized more than 70 employees of the company, their families and Mingzhu post station to help and teach them to carry out activities such as dumpling making competition, dumpling making and fruit platter making. Zhang Naiming, chairman of the company, and Liu Hongbin, general manager, were also present to make zongzi, celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and promote traditional culture.

In the knowledge contest, before the host raises questions, he explains the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, the origin and development of zongzi, and the precautions for eating zongzi in detail. The contestants rush to answer questions through listening and understanding, so that everyone can increase their knowledge in addition to happiness.

  Knowledge competition is just preheating. In the process of making zongzi, everyone has taken out their own skills. There is division of labor and cooperation in the process of making zongzi. Only the masters of making zongzi "fly" up and down with their hands. Glutinous rice and red beans fill and tie the zongzi leaves firmly. The zongzi they make are also made of triangle, sharp angle and pillow.

The scene was bustling with cheers and cheers. At the same time, the family members of the staff and the teaching staff of love harbor could not help but want to have a try. As they watched and learned, they gradually mastered the skills of making zongzi. At the end of the activity, Mr. Zhang Dong and Mr. Liu presented zongzi and festival wishes to the family members of the staff.

Pearl post station of Yangxian love harbor -- Festival care activities

  Zongzi is the Pearl of love. In the second part of the afternoon, the volunteers of Mingzhu post station and the social workers of the city youth protection association prepared a variety of activities for the students of love harbor. Together with the students, we played frog jumping game and personal talent display to improve mutual understanding. With the help of volunteers, the students in love harbor have completed the tasks of making zongzi, dumplings and fruit platter with their newly learned skills, and have a rich dinner for everyone. Students eat the fruits of their work and share their feelings. What they feel most is the warmth of being happy and having a home.

Just as the children's Day is coming, the youth protection association has prepared small holiday gifts for children, hoping that we can always protect a childlike innocence, grow up healthily and get out of a wonderful life.

This activity not only enriches the spare time life of employees and family members of pearl company, strengthens the ideological and moral construction of loving Hong Kong students, and integrates and builds a family atmosphere of happy pearl, but also further improves everyone's understanding of traditional culture and helps the civilized practice of the new era.
