Be the striver of the times, the dreamer of the Pearl


At 1:30 p.m. on the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, pearl cable's 2018 annual progress recognition and 2019 spring mobilization meeting were held in the company. Zhang Naiming, general manager of CSL, chairman of Mingzhu company and Liu Hongbin, general manager, together with the management team, advanced representatives and more than 300 employees, gathered for the festival. Review and summarize the achievements and shortcomings in 2018, and give a grand commendation to the advanced collective and excellent employees in 2018 in order to establish a typical model and promote the advanced. And established the new year's business objectives and strategies, called on all employees, based on a new starting point, to open a new chapter of "Pearl builds a dream man".


General manager Liu Hongbin comprehensively summarizes the achievements in 2018. At the same time, I would like to thank the party committees and governments at all levels, as well as chairman Zhang and CSL for their correct leadership, all the staff for their efforts, all the people from all walks of life who are concerned about and support the development of the enterprise and the support of their brother Enterprises, and plan and deploy the work objectives and priorities in 2019.


Zhang Naiming, chairman of the company, fully affirmed the achievements of pearl in 2018, warmly congratulated the award-winning advanced collective and individual, and sincerely thanked all pearl employees for their hard work in the past year. In the new year, the chairman of the board of directors requires the company to publicize widely, set up a benchmark, learn advanced, and create a good atmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, helping and Surpassing". Hope:

——Learn from advanced models, and be fearless and tenacious.

——Learn from advanced models, be modest and prudent, and integrate knowledge with practice.

——Learn advanced models, be loyal, grateful and willing to be a devotee.

Looking forward to 2019, opportunities and challenges coexist, and there is no limit to brilliance and creativity. Zhang Dong requires: first, to guide the whole year's work with high-quality development requirements, adapt to the needs of the times, conform to the development theme of the group company, and continuously improve the competitiveness and sustainable development of the enterprise; second, to promote high-quality development with the spirit of innovation, and take the ultimate as the goal and pursuit of innovation, and strive to be on all levels The third is to ensure the successful completion of the annual target task with the characteristic corporate culture, further promote the Pearl's "nine word proverbs", further enhance the Pearl's "family culture" connotation, and provide a strong guarantee for the completion of the annual target task.

In 2019, for the high-quality development of Pearl enterprises, let's work hard, forge ahead, pursue our dreams and realize our dreams, and work together to create a happy pearl. Be the striver of the times and the dreamer of the Pearl!
